Tuesday, January 08, 2008

More Inspiration :)

Doing my usual surfing of fave blogs this am (my usual daily weekday routine when I have to be up at 5:25 am) and came across this post *e*: 2008 art journal journey! on Emily Falconbridges blog. I had so wanted to take her class at Big Picture Scrapbooking but missed out due to other financial responsibilities. So alas I am going to join in on her art journal journey :) I have an art journal in progress just no pics to show :(
I really need to figure out what kind of camera I want and save up for it :) That way I can share photos and NOT have to use the girls cameras :)
be blessed and I shall return soon hopefully with more photos

Monday, January 07, 2008

Welcome :)

Well here is my first post finally. Had to wait to get pics taken of my newest endeavor before I posted.

I decided that this year I would join in on a couple challenges and found these two that interested me ENJOY : PAPER08 & Overlooked. I figured with these I don't have to churn out a million pages in a year and I can pretty much work at my own pace (which lately is like a turtle haha)

So without further ado here is my front and back covers and first spread for the ENJOY : PAPER08 Operation 01

And my first picture for the Overlooked challenge.

I will be posting pics for these challenges along with other crafts I am working on and completing throughout this year.

Be blessed :)