Thursday, February 18, 2010

Art Journal pages and a card

Trying my hand at art journalling again. The next 2 photos are of my newest pages. I'm trying to learn that I can be MESSY!! and not everything has to be neat and orderly haha

 Here is a card I whipped up this afternoon (took me a whole 10 minutes lol) for my Stamp Club meeting tomorrow night. Yes, I usually wait till the last minute.
 Two of my older art journal pages. I have more to show but didn't want to overload the page.
 **Note here-- I cannot draw for the life of me haha but on this one I decided to try LOL I do NOT like how my self portrait drawing came out.
Two posts in one day LOL Can't promise that will happen again soon LOL
Re: Sam's comment from yesterday's curtain post-- If I could fly over to the UK to do your lettering I would :)  I so want to go for a vaca there. My UK followers (and of course the lovely Dyan) have inspired me so much and everyone is just so nice, I would love to meet each and every one of you :)
Off to create something else lol

Thank you :)

Had to pop in real quick to say Thank you for the comments yesterday. I'm kinda not used to it so I was a bit overwhelmed :)
Yes, Miss Julia I do have longish hair lol Down to past my brazier line. And the paper roll is from a friend of mine. I use it on my desk so I don't make a mess lol
Paula Gale, yes haha I have a big stamp collection. Now if I would actually use them maybe they wouldn't be a "collection" haha.
I'm workin on getting better at commenting on other's blogs. (insert sheepish smile) Sometimes I just don't know what to say and don't want to sound lame lol
Hope everyone has a good day.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


 Remnants of curtain decorating :) and the pile of books was on the right side but had to move them last night when I was looking for something haha
 I swung to the right this time. Stamp pads, stamp storage and well just a big old mess.
3rd and final curtain. Next, I will post a pic of them hung up on the windows. My cousin asked me if I had used a template to do the letters and I said no, I did it all on my own lol The flowers (minus the leaves) are an Ali Edwards stamp. I had bought a set of her big foam stamps and finally have started using them.
Off to move some stuff around in here so I can get curtains hung.
****Edited to add photo of curtains hung up****
 :( excuse the mess as I am still rearranging things.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Latest project :)

 Watch out, now that I have begun to use the sewing machine, I think I will be sewing alot more. Decided the windows in the craft room needed some sprucing up. Dug through my stash of material and started on them over the weekend. A few days of sewing, a few days of painting. Yes, you read that right painting.
 And this is what I have so far. I have one left to do (will be done today). I love how they are coming out. I have made curtains before but usually it is just find the material, pin it and then sew. This time it was find the material, liner included, take my time, and measure so they are all the same length, and sew.
 I have also been making yoyo's. I am thinking of adding some to the curtains, not sure yet. They are so easy to make.
Just a quick project update. Will be back when curtains are done.
Have a good one.