Friday, March 26, 2010

Something to think about.

[ Ali Edwards ] : Guest Post : Being True To Yourself by May Flaum

A definite good read. I always worry about what others think about my layouts and they end up taking me forever to complete. Maybe if I just do what I like, then it won't take forever.

I will be back later with pics of the cards I made :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Finally after having to download a new program, I was able to upload my pics for this weeks WOYWW. And yes this week my desk is messy lol I actually have had a few days of card making this week. I made a total of 19 cards in the past week, with much thanks to fellow WOYWW's for posting pics of the cards that they make. Mine aren't as fancy as most but I like them. I promise to post pics later today of them. 
 Now for the swing around lol In my "craft" room, there is a built in cabinet which is filled to the brim with my albums, and well anything else I can find to put in there. Next week I will take a pic of the bottom of the cabinet :) My oldest daughter always tells me with all the supplies I have I don't need to buy anymore lol I have had myself on a crafting budget for the last few years and really only buy adhesives and such.
Don't forget to pop on over to The Stamping Ground and check out my fellow WOYWW's desk.
Hope everyone has a great day.