Thursday, January 17, 2008

Trying to catch up and misc.

I have my pages done for last weeks ENJOY : PAPER08 operation and also got caught up on my art journal journey prompts over at *e*. But I only have pics (crappy cell phone ones) of my art journal journey atc cards.

I hope to have pics of my pages later (need to find char's camera lol)

I have also been scrapping again :) YAY ME!!!!!! and hope to add pics of those pages too. I decided I would start yet another album " Everday Moments" and have a few pages done and a few pages in the works for that album. It feels good to be scrapping again and not just altering everything lol

In the last couple of weeks I have gone to the local thrift stores and had way too much fun finding stuff to alter and use in my projects :) Here is a pic of some of the cool things I have found.

Ok all I am off to start waking kids up for school and drinking more coffee :)

Have a wonderful day :)