Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Welcome to another weeks editon of WOYWW. Be sure to pop on over to The Stamping Ground to have a looksie at everyone elses desks this week. 
The top picture is a piece of art I made for my oldest daughters new apartment. She actually likes it :) 

 And here is my desk this chilly grey morning (am so hoping the sun comes out). My 3 art journals waiting to be worked on. I am hoping for a few free minutes today to sit down and do some work but household chores seem to come first lately.
 a little bit of a close up
 Last week I showed you the top of the built in. This week, the bottom. The above picture is how it usually looks. The below picture is what is hidden in there lol. This is where I hide my stash of book pages, clipboards, cigar boxes, cd cases, and whatever else I have found to alter in some way, shape or form. I love having the built ins but the problem with the bottom one is I forget I have stuff in there :(.
Thank you for all the comments on last weeks post. I was remiss in visiting everyone's desks as I had more pressing matters to attend to. This week I hope to do better. Hope you all have a glorious weekend :)


Angela Toucan said...

fabulous colours on that art

Julia Dunnit said...

Your journal is looking fab..reward yourself after chores with some art time for sure! Am thrilled to see the stash behind the doors - you have some erm, months of projects to look forwawrd to!!

Mandy said...

your desk looks so creative! love love love your art journals!


Mandy said...

Looooooovvvvvve your art journals!!!!


Annie said...

Love your journal. lost of stash to play with in your store :-)
A x

Unknown said...

Art journals look yummy ... loved gawping at all your hidden stash too :0)

Sandra said...

Your desk is just so creative ... looks yummy

Hels Sheridan said...

Lots of interesting things to look at...thanks for sharing x

Hello, I'm Vicki said...

wow your art journals are all fab, very free and inspiring!!!

voodoo vixen said...

Now I love the look of the art journals, very fabulous! I have the same problem with bottom cupboards... I forget what I have shoved into them!

Unknown said...

wow some serious stuff you are hiding Kerry - are you sure you're not hiding it from the other half??? You sounded surprised that your daughter liked the art work. Why wouldn't she??? - its great.

Paula x x x

Angie said...

Your art journal looks very interesting ...I have yet to try to make one ...not sure where to start.

Know what you mean about forgetting things in cupboards ...but isnt it fun when you find things.

Virginia said...

Loving how you've got your art journals there ready and waiting - loving the cupboard, I think mine need sorting out because the items I have have started spilling out into the dining room - again!

Hope the sun shone for you and hope it does the same today



Cardarian said...

Very interesting projects on your desk...a messy cupboard but I love it - snoop, snoop....

Anonymous said...

Great piece of artwork you made your daughter, glad she approves! I love your built ins, what kind of room was it before you took it over for crafts?


Cheryl Boglioli said...

Why wouldn't your daughter like it? Great job. Love all your stash spots.

Spyder said...

love all your energy in you painting lovely colours! also really like your spool rack, neat!! I save boxes too, so much so, people now save them for me...
