I'm so embarrassed to post this picture lol What started out as a good idea turned into the ugliest teddy bear I have ever seen. Now that I have made this for the grandbaby, my youngest wants me to make him one with flames on it, ummm really now haha. I'm gonna give it another try and hope it comes out better. I don't know how this one came out so misshapen when before it was sewn it look perfect lol
Off to undertake the huge task of cleaning up the basement so I can clean out the storage area I have been using since April of 2006 (I'm tired of paying them so much money to hold my stuff--I want my stuff lol).
Have a good one all.
He's not ugly! And good luck with the clearing. Go You!
I agree with Julie it's not ugly it's unique and it reminds me of the little characters in the renault advert that shouted 'come on' to everyone - they became cult characters that cost a fortune to buy in the shop - you just need to make him a couple of friends!
HOpe you have a having a good day and hope you are managing to clear that basement!
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